Natasha Boomer has amazing hands. For her, it's not just about muscles, it's about releasing whatever energies are blocked so you can vibrate a beautifully as you were meant to. I've laughed at her table and I've cried on her table. Nobody else has hands like her.
- Ashley B Actor/Writer/Comedian

I wasn't sure what to expect from a Chakra Balancing Massage, but I knew I was intrigued. Natasha immediately made me feel comfortable and explained everything as we went along. It was not only very relaxing, but there were moments where I truly felt transported to another spiritual plane. I worked out quite a few emotional issues on that massage table! Afterwards, I really did feel like I was floating home. Overall, a magical experience that I would recommend to anyone.
- Rica Eckersley, Senior Copywriter

My first massage with Natasha Boomer left me totally addicted. I felt as if I was floating down her street on the way to the subway. As I started to come regularly it felt as if she was getting to know my body more and my healing accelerated. I highly recommend Natasha and her hands, she knows things, she listens to the body, she can help you. Trust me.
- Cindy S, Vice Principal Middle School

My girlfriend sent me, I thought it was going to be a regular massage, of which I have had many. It was not. I don't know what she did while I was sleeping (which almost never happens to me on a table) but it felt like when I got up I fit differently in my body. I would highly highly recommend her and her magic hands.
-Dale F, Personal Trainer

You could go anywhere for a massage, but with Boomer, you get much more than a massage. You get bodywork. She works with your muscles and listens to all aspects of you to helo you on your healing journey. As I enter her studio I am able to leave my stresses at the door and am able to relax: which is not my forte. Every time I leave her I feel free from tension and anxiety and feel more balanced and grounded. I can not recommend this enough I asked for a gift certificate for my birthday and you better believe I am going to again this year.
-Ashley C Actor/Writer/Producer

Natasha treats the whole person: the muscles and tissues of the body, the energy flowing through the chakras, and the mind, through her insightful reflections. I come away from her massage feeling, relaxed, renewed and inspired.
- Rachel P. Grade One Teacher

In 2011 I was trying masseuses, physiotherapists, chiropractors, and acupuncturists to help with migraines and upper back pain, but I left each one because they either weren’t helping or were making things worse. In 2012 I was lucky enough to meet Natasha Boomer who instantly became a crucial guide for me in life, improv, and healing. I have gone to Boomer many times for Reiki as well as massages, each time leaving feeling energized and renewed in every sense. Boomer‘s definitely the best masseuse I’ve had and the most affordable. And she doesn’t do it for the money. She clearly cares and puts care into it, and it clearly shows.
Mike Lee, Actor/Comedian/Musician

I pulled my neck, improvising. It sucked. So I called Natasha Boomer. She cleared her schedule and saw me the next morning. She was wonderful enough to work out a deal of 4 massages for almost $$$ nothing. SHE HAS AMAZING PRACTICE!!!
After Day 1 - My neck was 75% better. Day 2 - My neck was completely healed. Day 3 - I got a bunch of weird grapefruit lotion that was supposed to make me psychic. Instead, I fell asleep and got a sweet hour and a half massage while I napped. Actually I have no idea if it was a good massage. I don't remember it. She could have cast weird Wiccan on magic me while I was unconscious. I'm not sure. All I know is - I woke up feeling great - Wiccan sorcery or not. Day 4 - During this final massage, my Third Eye opened, shattering the blocks on my throat chakra; I began to convulse with ancient tongues as I astrally projected into the core of white vibrations of the world beyond this one. True enlightenment or whatever was pretty amazing and was kind of traumatizing - but so affordable!!! EVERYONE GO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT FOR A RUB DOWN! Even if you don't know her, she'll see you, so don't be weird about contacting her, because she grew up on a farm and never learned about human boundaries!
- Rob Norman, Writer/Improvisor/Teacher

Natasha Boomer will cure what ails you. Regardless of the pain, Natasha will take it away. When you are done with one of her sessions, you walk out of her studio as though you are walking on air. Your thoughts will be clear, your body will be liber and your mind will be at peace. What are you waiting for...
-Rob Shultz Investor

Natasha, has the best massages for your whole being, as in you can feel her hands manipulating the energy in your whole body. As the bad leaves and the good takes its place you start feeling refreshed before you're even done. I would highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for a reliable ongoing or one-time massage.
- Dwayne R Lawn Care Specialist.

I LOVE Natasha's bodywork. Her massages are incredible! I always feel cared for -- both physically and also emotionally and spiritually. Her ability to tune into my body and listen to what I need is amazing. I've left each appointment feeling both relaxed and energized at the same time. Whenever my body has had to heal from injuries due to my profession I would always seek out Natasha to soothe my tense muscles and unblock energies. I can highly recommend her.
-Jules K. Artistic Director

In 2020 I took Natasha's Reiki 1 & 2 Course. It was one of the best things I did in 2020. Natasha has a wealth of knowledge; she is patient, encouraging and has continued to be a guiding light for as I being my journey. The hard copy information you receive from her training sessions has helped me immensely in my constant understanding and training of Reiki. Natasha's teaching and wisdom from our training together have given me confidence, insight and have opened my heart in ways I never thought possible. I look forward to being able to train with Natasha for my Reiki 3. I highly recommend her course.
-Kristine DaCosta Business Owner

A dozen friends recommended me, Natasha before I booked my first appointment. I had become a workaholic and struggled to take time for myself, specifically for my body to heal and my mind to stop thinking about making everyone else's lives easier. My first experience at her studio struck the perfect balance of rejuvenation and relaxation. She immediately makes you feel at least and provides a safe space for your physical and spiritual recovery. Every session feels like the essence of self-care and is the perfect remedy for stress. She is gifted healing whose receptiveness to her client's needs is matched by her expert technique. Do not wait to bring the Witch of Delaware into your life. Her light guided me to a place where I needed to be again, and if you're struggling as I did, she will do that same for you.
-Amanda P, Tv Producer.

Natasha Boomer is an exceptional healer, IN 2019 I suffered from several injuries located in my neck, shoulder and back. Without Natasha's massage therapy as a component in my healing process, it's hard to imagine where I'd be today. Natasha's intuitive approach, mixed with a genuine passion for helping people contributed monumentally to my healing over that time.
-Matt F Actor/Improvisor

I get chronic migraines, so I've been to get massages for years from all sorts of RMT's, Chinatown in conjunction with physios ... and then there's always the half-assed boyfriend massage. For something so personal some sometimes expensive, you want to make sure you are going to the right place. Once I am starting going to Natasha, I stopped searching. Her holistic approach adds a ton of extra benefit and healing. YOu can tell she cares about whether they're experiencing grounded, peaceful and balanced times on this planet. Her treatment space is comfortable with tons of character. If all you are interested in is an effective massage at the end of the day, she does a great job. I'd recommend her to anyone.
-Amy Z, Graphic Designer